25 April, 2010

Another Milestone!

So we have reached another baby milestone with Elizabeth. At the doctor's office they asked me to put her on her tummy, which she hates. And of course, right there she decides now is a good time to roll to her back from her tummy for the first time. It was so cute and the drs. thought she was doing great.

Then two days later she does the incredible: she rolls from back to front and scares me to death! I didn't know she was that close to doing it so I had put her on the couch. It's a very safe place for immobile children, but not so great for rolly polly ones!

Anyway, Lizzy continues to grow and do her own thing whenever she feels like it. Soon she'll be cooing so often it won't be hard to catch on camera.

1 comment:

Amanda Impett said...

That's awesome how fast kids grow. I'm glad she is doing so well.