21 July, 2010

Up to Date

Okay, so we're finally up to date! I know a month to get something up?

Well, we got home and guess what? We found out we were PREGNANT! Needless to say, with the resting up we needed from DC, the fun on the 4th, and our new situation expecting our FOURTH, yes fourth child, blogging has been low on my list of things to do. It comes right after relaxing and napping, though napping is leap-frogging to the top these days!

We are super excited. That was not my first feeling, but after getting used to it for a minute and realizing that this baby will actually be 16-17 months after Lizzy it's not as bad. Plus, it was hard for me to have JC after having a toddler for a while. I've been in baby mode for 3+ yrs already what's another year, right? So, I'm REALLY hoping for a little boy. I know, I never get what I want, but I've got two girls in the family of all boys I had looked forward to already. Maybe this time I'll get lucky.

I have another couple weeks before the ultrasound to determine the exact due date. I'm putting it in late March, early April. That means I was only a few weeks along before "discovering" the good news. Usually I'm about 10 or 11 weeks, so this is new - and I hate it!

I'm not one of those girls who likes being pregnant or thinks that "glow" is wonderful. I just don't like the emotions all over, the constant thinking about my stomach, and the need to sleep like a bear missing hibernation. I do, however, LOVE the little ones that join my family when I'm done. They are so great! My family is so itching for another boy (as is daddy at this point) and I love seeing how the family dynamic changes when someone new comes along. Our family is happy, healthy, and friendly - who wouldn't want to be part of it, right?!

So beyond the amazingly surprising news above, Lizzy just tried solid foods for the first time today! She did such a great job. I was impressed that by the second feeding she'd gotten the hint about opening her mouth. It took JC almost 2 wks of serious work on our parts to get that skill down. The whole swallowing thing will come, but it looks like she is primed and ready to begin. It's fascinating how little ones develop when they have older siblings. Some things I thought would come quickly, don't, and other things I never thought would be affected, are! It's so neat. Kids are great and they are all great friends. I hope dad and I can encourage that throughout their lives. (My siblings and I didn't really have that down until adulthood.) She's also getting really heavy! We just moved up in diaper sizes, a 2 now! I almost dropped her the other day because the weight was so different from what I had been expecting. She's still little and long, but she's solid.

So, the Fosburg family is growing again and we are now officially the ones with the largest family (or will be) on the Fosburg side and we will have just tied my brother! Chris is still thinking we want five, but who knows? Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Amanda Impett said...

You guys will do great you have a good family dynamic and are great parents. All you can do is try your best but sometimes kids will be kids and sometimes they will continue to like each other and sometimes they won't. I know it sounds cliche but do your best and don't worry about the rest.