21 November, 2011

Anniversary Cruise: Sea Day 3

DAY 3:
This was our final sea day before we reached our first island. I was so nervous and excited all at the same time. Thankfully, the ship had some great stuff planned so I was able to be distracted from my normal stressful ways.

marriage game - it was the older couple that made us laugh the most!

ice carver from the Philippines

I began by getting up to an alarm. Not for a project or some sort of kid appointment, but for a yoga class. It was great to be up from a good sleep and to go do exercise I like! When I got back to the room Chris was, guess what? Still sleeping! Yep, that's what he likes to do on vacation. He gets so little at home, but wow he's a great husband and daddy. We spent this day a bit like the last one, lounging, eating, and really enjoying the sunshine and all the activity on the ship. Then we hit something that surprised me. We went to a shopping briefing. Here we discovered the other reason a lot of people take the cruise we were on.

Apparently the islands we were scheduled to enjoy are also hot places for inexpensive jewelry buying. A lot of people do this kind of shopping so the people were actually hired just to teach us newbies how to go about doing it successfully. They gave us info on what was available, accredited stores to go to, coupons and discounts for jewelry stores we might want to hit. Several of the locales had other things they recommended we look at. These we actually noted and ended up at as well as lots of the jewelry stores. We intended to buy some things while island hopping and I wanted to make sure we spent our little money wisely. The briefing was thankfully short (neither one of us are big shoppers) and we were more informed and ready to spend our money on those things that we knew would be right for us.

Then I hung out by the pool to finish my novel and Chris hit the spa again. We really ended up spending quite a bit at the spa. That's apparently one of our favorite ways to relax. He got another massage and then we went to dinner. We met up with Myra and Jason again and had a great time. We so enjoyed their company and their insights into cruising. They, as had most of the other travelers, done this kind of thing lots of times. Many of the passengers had begun cruising as children with parents and enjoyed it.

In the theater

After dinner we were able to make another show at the Victoriana theater. This one was called "Jump, Jive and Wail". We sure enjoyed it. That kind of music always reminds me of when Chris was in Jazz Band in high school. He played the trumpet. The band met early every morning before class. I would show up just to listen while I did homework. It was great. So we really enjoyed the music and I, of course, loved the dancing. The stage was brilliantly colored as well as the costumes. We had a lot of fun.

at the show

after the show in the lobby

Then we decided to try something new. The night before we'd been too tired, but this night we decided to check out the comedy club in the International lounge. There are always two types of shows at this club. There is the family friendly and the adults only. If you have decent taste and want to laugh at real humor stay with the family friendly. All the other one does is add crudeness and language to the same jokes.

So, while Chris and I enjoy a good laugh we did not come away from the club feeling like it was something we wanted to do more than our one time. We had hoped that with two types of shows and two different comedians we might have fun, but the fun was mixed with a lot of inappropriate. Not new, just a bit disappointing.

Then we headed back to the room after grabbing a late night snack. The dance clubs were up and running by then so the snack bar just outside the lounge had great treats. We enjoyed it, watched people for a bit and went back to the beautiful room we had.

So, those were our first couple of days on board. Wasn't that fun!? By the time we hit an island we were ready to see things. It was such a great way to travel to the Caribbean.

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