31 March, 2013

Happy Easter 2013!

We so love Easter in the Fosburg home!  This year all five of my kids were here and super beautiful and handsome!  We went to church in our lovely new Easter clothes and then we did our own egg hunt in the backyard which was hilarious!  The kids had a great time and we got to talk to almost every family group.

Happy Easter everyone!  Hope you had as much fun as we did!  Love you!

28 March, 2013

Random March Silliness

So as mom, I'm allowed to revel in the silliness that is my children for two reasons.  Reason one: my kids crack me up and it's important to remember how great motherhood really is (because it doesn't always feel wonderful).  And reason two: the memory of a human being is so fleeting and fallible that unless it is recorded somewhere, these moments will fade and disappear no matter how cute, or silly, or great I think they are.

Here is my Random March Silliness.
 So this is Lizzy.  I know you can't tell because of the craziness of the hair.  She is flinging herself back and forth on this little riding toy at our little park across the street.  She is also laughing hysterically, but you can't hear that.  (I can though just sitting here writing this!)  Go Lizzy!
 This "jungle"is actually the foliage in our yard in front of our living room window.  I ran outside to discover that I could NOT discover my children.  Then two wild beasty-things popped out of our garden and startled me good.  They thought it was great!  I thought it hilarious that our greens were big enough to hide not one, but two of my biggest children.
 I swear our first ever visit to the emergency room for a kid is going to be because of this tree!  Again this is in our little neighborhood part.  The kids love it.  For Evie, it reminds her of her Magic Treehouse books, so she does a lot of pretending up there.  The rest of my "big" kids wanted to pretend too.  I got lucky to catch the picture and then catch Al before she fell out of the "treehouse".
 This is at Bellows Beach.  We so love this beach and whole heartedly believe it to be the best beach on Oahu.  Though I take lots of pix at the beach in general, this one made me giggle.  Evie, Joe, and Vaughn all crawled through the sand to lay next to the incoming surf.  So cute.
 Vaughn gets lots of pix because he's so cute and doing so much growing right now.  I love his smile and the blue eyes get me every time.  Enjoy!
While we often trek to the park across the street, on this day it looked more like we were a caravan all spread out like this.  I don't always notice the way our family looks to others, but on this day I saw it and couldn't help but capture the moment.

V's first haircut!

So it finally happened!  I had to take my baby boy to get a haircut.  He was starting to look like a girl.  I already have three.  

Before - my baby boy

 Joe was a good example for his Vaughn and really enjoyed being there as the big brother.  Joe got his regular very short military cut (just like daddy!).

 I liked these pix - they showed how long his hair had gotten.  You know, showed the NEED to do something so drastic to babyhood (ok, so a little dramatic, but he's my last one - I'm allowed)

He actually did a pretty good job.  No crying or whining, just curious and squiggly.

 this is my favorite photo - V was totally covered in the cape

After - my big boy

My toddler has arrived!  He still had relatively long hair for our boys (we are all military), but I just couldn't go shorter yet.  I'm sure we'll get there.

12 March, 2013

Joe Can READ!

Ok, so no one told me, but apparently according to the experts, teaching your child to read is the hardest thing you will ever teach them.  Well, I am so proud to show all of you out there that my little boy can read all by himself!  Super happy!  Progress is always exciting, but seeing that look of joy and accomplishment on his face: PRICELESS.  (now I'm a credit card commercial!)

If you want, go ahead and let Joe know how great his accomplishment is!