28 March, 2013

V's first haircut!

So it finally happened!  I had to take my baby boy to get a haircut.  He was starting to look like a girl.  I already have three.  

Before - my baby boy

 Joe was a good example for his Vaughn and really enjoyed being there as the big brother.  Joe got his regular very short military cut (just like daddy!).

 I liked these pix - they showed how long his hair had gotten.  You know, showed the NEED to do something so drastic to babyhood (ok, so a little dramatic, but he's my last one - I'm allowed)

He actually did a pretty good job.  No crying or whining, just curious and squiggly.

 this is my favorite photo - V was totally covered in the cape

After - my big boy

My toddler has arrived!  He still had relatively long hair for our boys (we are all military), but I just couldn't go shorter yet.  I'm sure we'll get there.

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