19 May, 2012

Grampa Clint

Having my dad come visit was so fantastic.  I was a little nervous just because as his daughter I wanted to make a good impression.  He hadn't met my two youngest yet or seen me since Chris graduated WSU and commissioned in the military.  I wanted him to see my life and be proud of what I had accomplished.  This, of course, caused a certain amount of stress, that I discovered was completely ridiculous.

My dad is my dad.  He was gracious with the accommodations, the small and big events of my family, and the help that I was needing.  He helped clean and often watched the kids.  The best part of his visit was when he watched the kids so Chris and I could go to the temple.  I was pretty sure it was going to be my last time at the Columbia, SC temple before we left for Hawaii so it was extra special.

Anyway, as I was hoping, my kids loved my dad.  They had so much fun with him.  Chris had a great time discussing all his many deep topics.  And me?  I just enjoyed having my dad enjoy my family.  He was smitten with my children as a good Grampa should be.  He appreciated my husband and reminded  me how great my husband truly is.  And he gave some great words of encouragement and compliments which every mother and daughter wants to hear.

Thanks dad for coming to Sumter!  Love you!

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