02 September, 2013

Bellows Beach

I know that I've posted about the beach, I mean, we live on an island.  We go to the beach a lot.  But Bellows beach is the best beach on the island so we love to go there.  Plus, we go often enough that you can actually see my kids growing up on the sand.  It won't last forever, but we're taking every opportunity we can! Yes, the weather really is like this almost every day.  This was our last day of "summer" before school began on the 3rd of September.
he goes marching out….and comes surfing in.

Little V gets better at manipulating the sand every time I go.
Eve goes out and Joe comes in!
...and she's off!

Evie so loves the water.  I have to work so hard to get her to come in.  We've had discuss undertow and current and basically anything she needs to know about the water since we can't seem to keep her near us for more than a minute or so unless we have food, of course.
pretty sure that's Joe.  He spent most of his time underwater!
whoa, careful dad!  

V and Liz doing a great job together.  My sand babies.
Joe and I have this new tradition.  We love to play catch on the beach.  Sometimes we play with the football and sometimes it's a frisbee.  We've really enjoyed the activity.  We even got special toys to do it that don't mind the water.  It's a blast.  Thanks dad for taking pictures of our fun!
I know you can't see the football - it's blue.  It often looks like another island.  
Look carefully!

He's getting so good!  Great throw Joe!

Mom finally caught one!
After all that playing, getting a chance to relax in the ocean is a treat!

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