05 October, 2013

Basketball Season has Arrived! Be Warned!

Well, t-ball was interesting and football was crazy.  Let's see how sport number three goes!  Welcome one and all to PeeWee Basketball.  For another season daddy has decided to coach, which means that our fee is free.  I've also been asked to take photos for training purposes and the MWR website.  So surprised!  Can't wait to see how it all goes.  Wish us luck and GO JOE!  (I love saying that.  Can't believe I have a GI Joe in my house!)

 he's playing duck, duck, goose with other boys before practice.
 such a cutie this one!  Thx for posing boy!

Super cute.  He loves basketball already!  Good for you Joseph.  I'm so proud of him for trying all these different activities.  We're giving him a wide range so he can find something he really wants to put his time (and our money!) into.  Wish us luck!

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