12 October, 2013

He's 5! He's already 5!

Be prepared for a lengthy picture/video post!!!

Joe turned 5 this week and we had so much fun!  I really love throwing birthday parties for my kids.

We make a really big deal out of birthdays in our family.  That doesn't always mean a huge party or lots of gifts, but it does mean a candle and birthday song for each meal, you get to eat THREE bowls of cereal for breakfast if you want, you get to pick dinner (in or out), and if there isn't a party you get to pick the family activity!  It's a great day and we all enjoy the chance to give extra love to that person on their special day.

He got lots of fun things from Nana and Papa!
Breakfast!  Joe's favorite!



It was a really fun day for Joe.  We spent the day hanging out and enjoying being with Joe, but planning for the big birthday party on the weekend as well.

Relaxing before the craziness begins!

For Joe's friend birthday party we went out and rented a bouncy house.  Anyone who has met my kids understands the true import of that decision!  My kids had so much fun.  They played from morning to night, before and after the party with friends. Joe had a great time and we had a great time watching them all play.

The bouncy house was a surprise, so we had to hurry and do it undercover.  If you look at the size of this thing you'll understand how tricky that was!  It was so fun for mom and dad to give him this.  No one
 The kids had so much fun.  Everyone was so excited for Joe to get to have one for his birthday party. Of course, we let the Fosburg kids play in the bouncy house for a little while before all of the friends showed up.  As you can see, they had a great time!
My favorite picture of the whole party.  I had to be inside the house to get it and Joe was having such a great time.

Surprisingly, it took a few minutes and some cajoling to get them started, but once they were in, getting them out was a whole other problem!  That part was NOT a surprise.

It was hardest to get Vaughn in that house, but Joe was such a good brother and helped him get in.  Once in, he enjoyed it almost as much as the birthday boy!

While the kids were out playing in the bouncy house, daddy and I were setting up for the party!  Every birthday the kids love going to our local Party City to choose party decorations and goody bags (if we do any).  Of course, we also pick out a cake.
EVERY kid loves those hanging things from the ceiling - don't ask me - I have no idea why.
Yes, it was a "Man of Steel" birthday.  DO NOT confuse it with a Superman birthday.  It is not the same thing, as I was told numerous times with increasing frustration.

The goody bags.  The kids love putting special toys and treats in the bags for their friends.  I love doing such simple, relatively inexpensive, things for my kids.

As the kids came for the party we shuffled them directly outside to the bouncy house in the backyard.  Honestly, we probably didn't have to do anymore than that, but we did.  We like to spoil, I guess.

  everyone catches some air!

 I love how childlike my husband is.  He makes it so fun to be a parent.  I so love him!

After the bouncing was enjoyed heartily by everyone, we played some fun and traditional party games.  By this time they were calm enough to enjoy the games and take turns.  (My evil plan worked!  They were too tired to be difficult.  Wahahahaha!)

Joseph pinned a shield on the Man of Steel eventually.
(you thought I was gonna say Superman, didn't you?)
Then it was Rachel's turn.  Good job.

Go Anthony! Almost.
Awesome James!  Good try.
Good Job Aurora! So close.
Wonderful Lizzy!  Fantastic try.
Super Evie!  Pretty close there.
Aurora won!  Great job everybody.

Of course, then it was time for cake.  Have to have cake.  You can only distract from sugar and presents for so long before the natives (my kids) get restless!
 oh my goodness - he is so cute!

 Such a cutie!  Loves his cake!
 Present time has arrived!  It took Joe so much effort to wait all this time to get to the gifts.  He did a great job being grateful, saying thank you, and giving the appropriate amount of oooh's and ahhh's and I wanted this's.  Love my big little boy!

 spy plane!
 Man of Steel figure

 Man of Steel and General Zod.  Can this day get any better?
 super cool card - was later turned into the coolest paper airplane ever!

 table top basketball - loved it!
 Hawaiian frisbee!  One of Joe's favorite toys (I know - I was surprised too!)
"Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can"
 goin' swimmin!!!

All the kids watched and enjoyed so patiently!  Sincere happiness for Joe was very evident.  Made this mom's heart all glowy. (Ally, Lizzy, Evie, James Scott, Aurora Hepner, Rachel Harris, and Anthony Parkins)
 A dinosaur habitat setup
 big boy dress-up: ninja sword, ninja costume

 super secret spy system (say that three times fast!)

One last present is somewhere in here!  Can Joe find it?

 After the party, Joseph, of course, wanted to get into his new toys.  The best part of my Joe?  He immediately shared all the toys with his very excited and anxious brother and sisters.  What a great brother.
my stealthy ninja - 
better watch out, as if that will do you any good (she said in a scary quiet way)

the only time you'll see his face - look closely!

 Everyone had so much fun playing with Joe!  Even Vaughn got a squeaker which he promptly followed Joe around blowing.  Made Joe and the rest of us giggle.

And this is what happens at the end of the party the next day.  Taking out the air and the stakes - easy.  Rolling it up - no problem.  Lifting it into the vehicle - not gonna happen alone!  We ran across the street and grabbed a great neighbor, Caleb Nimmo, to help us out.  Gotta love neighbors!  We do.

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