09 October, 2013

DC- Humpty Dumpty

I so enjoy homeschooling some days.  Watching that little light flicker on in their minds and the resulting sparkle in their eyes and smile on their faces is priceless.  I love it.

This week we continued learning about traditional nursery rhymes.  Today was Humpty Dumpty and oh my goodness were these girls adorable.  We read the rhyme, watched a video of the rhyme, sang the rhyme ourselves and then acted it out.  It was so much fun.  The girls had heard the rhyme before, but it was today that Lizzy actually knew all the words.  That little light popped on when she finally realized what she was learning.  She got all excited and then said it about a thousand times like Lizzy does when she figures something out.

After all the learning, we did an art project which is pretty much a guaranteed hit with preK and Kindergartners!  Loved it.

Evie and Joe were doing such a good job working while the girls did their lesson.  I was so pleased by how everyone did today!  It was a good day to be a homeschool mom.

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