06 October, 2013

Tamy's 34th Birthday

Ok, so yes I just told the world how old I am, and guess what?  I am proud of each year!  None of my years has felt easy since I was a little kid (but even then they didn't feel easy), so why be embarrassed by how many I have lived?  Each year I've lived has brought me to where I am and I am in a good place.

I have five beautiful children who I not only love, but often adore.  I have a husband who began as my best friend and is still my best friend after 12 years of marriage and all that goes with that.  I have two college degrees that give me the security and freedom to always take care of myself and my family when/if needed.  I am surrounded by wonderful friends both in the church and non-members who just love us.  I am strong in my testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ, his Atonement, and in the plan that Heavenly Father has for my life.  I am blessed with so much.  I even get to live in Hawaii, as if my life wasn't already good.  

None of the above means that my life is easy.  Just look at my pictures to see my laugh lines and the possibly permanent loss of my beautiful 6-pack abs!  That's life.  The good and the bad are what make life.  I am proud of the way we have worked through all our trials and challenges and come out on the other side stronger, happier, and more loving, if that's possible.

Chris and the kids did such a great job of making me feel special today.  I so love being a member of this family.  What a wonderful way to spend my day.

Aren't these great?  I LOVE flowers at any time, but bright, happy, ones for my birthday always makes my day!
 Chris was very sweet and took us to my favorite restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings!  This one had just opened nearby so it was easy to get to.  Though I enjoyed it, I really enjoyed the craft store that was having a huge sale just a couple stores down where I got to buy a lot of fun things!
 My little sister sent this to me!  She is so amazing!  I loved this box so much.  I loved the yellow.  I loved the sunshine.  I loved all the bright, happy sweet things.  The part that really did it for me?  Each item in this box had a note on it.  Each item has a specific purpose and each purpose is to take care of me.  It was so thoughtful and so creative.  It really spoke to my heart about how much she loves me and how much she's willing to do to show me.  Thank you Beckie. You're amazing!
One of my favorite people of all time dropped by with her boys unexpectedly with this fantastic "cake".  Miss Amanda Kunz, Max and Andrew stopped by to sing "Happy Birthday" and deliver this sweet treat.  The best part?  She remembered how much I'm not into cake so she made it out of rice crispy treats!  What a great friend!

Thank you everyone for helping me celebrate my birthday this year.  I received many calls, texts, an email, and several FB notes!  All are greatly appreciated.  Thank you for thinking of me on my day.  Love you.

1 comment:

Chris said...

And I have enjoyed sharing 17 years of memories with you! Happy Birthday to the most awesome person in the world!