05 October, 2013

General Conference Weekend

I just want to say first off - I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE! I so enjoy hearing from the prophet and apostles of the church.  To be able to sit at home and record it so I can watch it during nap time or at the kids bedtime is so wonderful for a woman with kids that are so unlikely to sit still so she can feel the spirit and listen to the words.

So while Vaughn slept I encouraged the older kids to watch at least one talk from Conference.  (That's a long talk for little ones!)  The kids did great!  I was able to print off some of those neat coloring pages and worksheets for the kids to complete while we watched.  They did such a good job!  I was able to hear and they learned some and colored some.  It was a new phase in parenthood for me.

Chris and Joe were out at basketball practice that morning.  They had a great time.  We had a great time.  It was a pleasant Saturday for all!
They did so well!

Evie was especially interested and even shared with me here favorite parts of one of the talks.  I was a proud mama!

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